Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Thom Yorke @ The Orpheum (Night 2 - 10/5/09)

Another great performance on Night 2 at the Orpheum...my notes:
  • Crowd was way more into the show than last night...this was evident by the very long and raucous ovation given after the insanely amazing live version of Harrowdown Hill.
  • Thom said that the ?????? Band was down about their time together being over...but also mentioned doing some more stuff together. Not sure if that meant shows or music.
  • I'm not totally clear, but I think Judge, Jury & Executioner was written by the ?????? band...as opposed to a Thom penned song for RH. Interesting...
  • Colin was in the crowd once again and I missed him once again. Damn bladder. Those who got to meet him briefly said he was the gentlemen that everyone says he is.
  • Glad to hear Skirting the Surface live for my first time as it replaced Open the Floodgates tonight.
  • I waited in the back alley with my girlfriend for Thom to come out but according to the security guard he snuck away in a black Prius. There was like 20 of us...how could we miss him!? Minutes later as we left we pulled up next to Flea and his wife (?) in his Tesla. Gotta love Thom and Flea keeping it real (green) with their hybrid/electric cars.
01 The Eraser
02 Analyse
03 The Clock
04 Black Swan
05 Skip Divided
06 Atoms For Peace
07 And It Rained All Night
08 Harrowdown Hill
09 Cymbal Rush

Solo encore:
10 Lotus Flower (Moon Upon A Stick)
11 Skirting the Surface
12 Super Collider

Encore w/ band:
13 Paperbag Writer
14 Judge, Jury & Executioner
15 The Hollow Earth
16 Feeling Pulled Apart By Horses

1 comment:

tony said...

That's a great video! Thanks for sharing.

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